We Belong Together by Mariah Carey is directed by Brett Ratmer 2005. Audiences are introduced by a pan and long shot to a big house in what looks to be a well kept area. This is typical of the r&b genre, as people are normally portrayed as having big houses/cars, therefore being successful. At first the audience is not sure of who the artist is, as we only see her feet, and the silk around her drop as she walks. The room is light, with no mise en scene except for curtains. This type of location is typical for a r&b promotion. The director then introduces us the who the artist os as she lie on a bed, with just covers covering her body. White is perhaps used to represent purity or innocence despite the fact that she is naked Similarly to the Alicia Keys video, close ups are used throughout as the singer sings straight at camera, making a connection to the viewer.The next room appears grand, continuing on with the theme, and there is minimal decoration- a fireplace, plants and neutral colours.The camera zooms into Mariah Carey who is sitting by her mirror (a common action) as she sings, and does her make- up. This is typical of how women are represented in r&b videos, spending time on their appearance. The mirror in particular could be used as it shows the artist reflecting on the lyrics, and as the artist herself focuses on actual reflection, the audience is also obligied to do so and pay attention to her appearance. Close ups of her lips are used often throughout, which is centre screened.The artist again sings, in a bare room, shown by a close up of her face, putting all attention on her. Make- up is quite subtle and typically, wind blows her hair making her appear delicate. This creates the stereotypical view of a female artist as being feminine.
★ Track Video ★:

- Halo- Beyonce was directed by Philip Adelman, 2009 . The first shot fades in from black with a close up of the artists face. A bright light shines in from the window, a motif throughout, making her appear angelic and relates to the title of the song. Both the fade and spot light on the artist seem to be typical in a female r&b artist videos. A high angle shot of the artists partner in soon straight away in this song, as he sleeps. A recurring shot that is used often in this video is off Beyonce standing in front of her partner, as the light shines on her face, while their is a shadow on his. Extreme close ups of them holding hands, and many similar shots throughout show them being intimate. A bare room is used with plenty of light coming in is where the artist later dances; minimism recurring 6 High angle shots of Beyonce dancing below shows her partner watching from above. Another moment in shown of her being close to him as she plays with his hands.
- Throughout, more scenerios of them doing stuff together are shown, to represent their love as being quite strong, as they appear dependent an each other . Again, the shot is of them standing close together with her face lit up by the light, and his in silhouette. A point of view shot shows them lying down next to each other.There are often medium shots of the artists body as she dances. As the video is ending the artist is seen under water in a tight white dress. Typically in r&b, scenes are sometimes done under water as people swim as it is maybe seen as a graceful activity. Finally close ups are used as the two get closer together with light flooding in form the background Through the duration the camera appears to be shaky when it is filming the two standing together. This hand held camera makes it feel like you are actually there amongst them.