MTV is an american networked based in New York City and it was first established on August 1st, 1981. It was originally created to show music videos. It has been mainly influenced towards young people including issues related to censorship and social activism.
On August 1, 1981, at 12:01 a.m., MTV: Music Television launched with the words "Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll," spoken by John Lack. Arock tune composed by Jonathan Elias and John Petersen, playing over a montage of the Apollo 11 moon landing. With the flag having a picture of MTV's logo on it changing colors, textures, etc.
The original purpose of MTV was to be "Music Television," playing music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, guided by on-air personalities known as VJs, or video jockeys. The original taglines of the channel were "You'll never look at music the same way again," and "On cable. In stereo." Although the concept of playing music videos 24/7 has long been abandoned, MTV US still promotes and plays a limited selection of music videos on its TV channel and website.
Internationally, the station continues to support a broad selection of music including 4 channels in the UK that broadcast 23 hours of music video per day.
MTV First Videos Shown: