Friday 17 September 2010

·٠•● Evaluation ●•٠·˙

Overall as a group we were proud of what we done. During the making of the task we had may problems such as it was time consuming as we had to record over and over again just to make it perfect and fit the audio to the track. Accurate lip sync is acquired in order for the whole thing to make sense. Since the first lip sync task track was unfamiliar with us it was really difficult to memories lyrics and lip sync accordingally to the track. Where as the 2nd task we knew the song and it was much easier to record and edit. Editing wise it was really easy for me so no worries

1 comment:

  1. An outstanding blog showing a great deal of research. Im not really sure how you constructed this layout, its a little strange in terms of navigation- as in the most recent post is not the first thing that comes up when I view it. But- it's original and I wouldnt expect anything less from you.
    So excellent evidence of research. Lets get planning. Im hoping you will be posting your song soon?
    Some audience theory would be great too- this is easier to do once you are posting decisons and ideas as you can relate the theory to your choices.
    Well done
